Sacksteder’s Interiors Featured on Local12 and Cincinnati Refined!

After 33 years, we’ve become interior design, home trends and holiday decorating experts in Greater Cincinnati here at Sacksteder’s Interiors. But we’re always humbled when local media features us, our staff, our stores and our services! Just recently, we did several TV interviews with tips and trends, Local12 did an “Amy on the Go” segment that ran in morning and evening news, and we’ve been featured in several articles recently on Cincinnati Refined! So exciting! Check out the articles and videos below!

Local Designer Shares Four New Holiday Decorating Trends
Tree Decorating Kits at Sacksteder’s Interiors Make Holiday Decorating Way Easier
Seven Chic Christmas Tree Decor Themes
Amy on the Go: Sacksteder’s Interiors for the Holidays
Make Your White Christmas Dreams Come True with Monochromatic Holiday Hue Trend
Be Naughty, Save Yourself the Holiday Hassle with Sacksteder’s Interiors

Amy on the Go segment featured on Local12 morning and evening news!
Segment that was featured on Local12 talking about our in-stock furniture, home decor, and holiday decorations
Segment that was featured on Local12 talking holiday decorating tips and trends
Segment that was featured on Local12 talking interior design tips and trends

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