Child-Friendly Homes Ideas from Sacksteder’s Interiors

What Can You DO to Prevent Accidents in Your Home for Children?

Sacksteder’s Interiors offers assistance with ideas and ways to repurpose space for the addition of a new baby or spaces for children’s play in your home. This Guide to Creating a Child-Friendly Home is very helpful so we wanted to share with you all.

Creating a child-friendly home entails more than decorations, bright paint, and toys to teach and inspire. It also means creating a safe and secure space for the child to grow up in.

As children grow and explore, injuries from falling, pulling objects down onto themselves, and banging against sharp areas at home are more common than you may think. Additionally, our homes are full of sharp objects, tools, and hazardous materials that can be toxic when consumed even in small quantities. Household injuries are one of the more prevalent reasons that children under the age of three-years old are likely to visit the emergency room.

It’s too easy for parents to underestimate how curious their children are. It may require multiple walk-throughs of a space before you can identify all the hazards around your home, as well as places that would be enticing for a child to try to climb.

Building a child-friendly home means identifying as many of these risks as possible and coming up with strategies to eliminate as many risks as you reasonably can. A study by the University of Alabama found that when first-time moms of children between one and three years old were asked to walk through a model home, they identified fewer than half of the potential child-safety hazards.

Nonetheless, even with the best childproofing possible, supervision is still the most important way to ensure a child’s safety. Watching over your child not only helps to protect them from hazards, mishaps, and injuries, but it also helps to teach them what’s safe and what isn’t.

We hope you enjoyed this Guide with insights on how to protect your children, grandchildren in your home!

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